When we find love we act like kids, literally. We find someone who gives us all of themselves without second guesses and that power makes us think we rule the world, makes us think we are on top of the world. And rather than being grateful for the miraculously found romance, we start to think it happened because of us, because of who we are and what we’ve done. We think it’s because of our wit and not by their will that the other person gave into us. And this thought of delusional smartness makes us believe that we are more superior than them and like all superior beings we take that given power and start misusing it. We start to tweak with our beloved’s emotions, we test them, we examine how they would react to things, we put on our lab coats and put them under our microscope and enjoy the manipulation while being blind to the truth. We play games with their minds, we truly act like a kid that became aware of his lying abilities or a teen that came conscious of his rebellion nature. We fall short of wisdom and just become… Smart. Too smart for our own good. Our ego gets ahead of us and we take the power that was “given” to us for granted. But we could have done better, much much better, way way better.
We could have became alchemists of the soul. When someone gives their complete self to us we could have done what God has done to us. We could have taken that clay soul molded it in our hands, breath love into it and turn it into gold. We could have harvested greatness from our beloved’s soul. We could have pushed them towards their destiny and made them… complete. We don’t complete them but more like help them to complete themselves and in the process fulfill our destiny and become complete ourselves. Fulfill the ultimate destiny… greatness, goodness… godliness. We could have discovered God within ourselves. And through the souls we made beautiful, We could have become beautiful ourselves. And through the souls we made godly, We could have become gods ourselves. But…